Owl cake & cupcakes for a Mommy to be! I loved the color scheme for this adorable baby shower!

This was a challenge, but so, so fun to complete!! Happy Birthday to Emily! Enjoy your cake...

Adventure Time Birthday Boy!!!
Sending out a thank-you to Marilyn! Marilyn's son Joey had his birthday over the past weekend and wanted an Adeventure Time cake! Here...

What a party!!! We celebrated 4 birthday's this weekend. Everyone got to pick their favorite flavor for their layer.... We had Lemon...

Mel-Ta-Way Sweets & Bake Shoppe *WEBSITE RELEASE* !!!!
Hello to my favorite fans!! I figured what better birthday present to myself than to debut my new website!! I made this site on my...

Welcome All!!! My first Blog...
It's been awhile, but I've been working hard on bringing this new "Mel-Ta-Way Sweets & Bake Shoppe" website to you. I'd love for you to...